April 16, 2010

It's time to Rage-Quit

Okay so today I honestly had no idea what to write about on my daily musing's (Seeing as at least 90% of it was spent in oblivion {The real World, and yes I'm using thoughts inside thoughts to explain a thought...} with some sweet lasses I am quite fond of) until I had instantly thought "Hey I'm 'totally' out of the loop in new game releases" so I go home, load up Gamespot and the first title up blows my mind to pieces (Almost to the most literal effect when I found fragments of brain candy scattered amongst my floor) and saw.... DUHN DUHN DUHHH!!... Doctor-Fucking-Who... the adventure game, no I being an astronomical fan of Doctor Who, past and present, like many fans have reason to despise and hate the new Doctor for breaking his great persona David Tennant and past Doctors had built up... and guess which little kumquat is the main Character? Matthew-Fucking-Smith... yup, it's time to Rage-quit life now, two things I never wanted to be combined are being combined... DOCTOR WHO (WITH A SHITTY DOCTOR) AND VIDEO GAMES! just not gonna work mate.
Well I wish I could've made this entry much more entertaining but I felt my inner nerd had to explode...

Report from Local News: "It was just confirmed, one nerd had committed suicide, a note was left on his corpse which read 'Fuck Matthew Smith, Fuck Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, and so thus, RAGE-QUIT!' we have yet to determine what this means but we are fully aware he has written a blog called 'One Dunce Cap Later' recently".

To prove I'm not just bullshitting here's the link, any Doctor Who fans with the possibility of reading this please join my in Suicide, it'll make the world a better place (Okay not really, but we won't have to deal with this large dosage of FAIL!)

http://www.gamespot.com/pc/adventure/doctorwhotheadventuregames/index.html?tag=result;title;0 (I can't believe this is real, I'll sadly buy it and play it just out of Fanboydom glee in the hopes David Tennant will make an appearance)


  1. HAHAHAAHAHAHA! Aw, poor you. That must be bad. I can't think of anything I am a fan of so much that I would write an angry blog about something to do with it, but I am sure it isn't awesome.


  2. I was talking to Laura about this today. I prepared her for the possibility of hearing the news that I discovered you hanging by your neck from the ceiling with a note that read 'Rage Quit' on it. She is now prepared.

